Tag: Infinite Banking Concept

  • The Problem with Banking

    The Problem with Banking

    Federal Reserve - Fractional Reserve Banking

    We typically pay for the major purchases we make with credit through other banking institutions. While debt is the outcome for the individual, credit expansion is the much deeper problem with banking.

    This creates a problem for everyone because of fractional reserve banking. Traditional banks lend more than what is on deposit with them, and in doing so expand the supply of money via credit.

    The problem is so widespread that a solution seems impossible, but there is a solution. This solution’s only requirement is the action of a single person or family acting in a way to not only help themselves, but in doing so also helps society.

    Fractional reserve banking leads to obligations that can not be fulfilled from the outset. The borrower and the depositor actually become owners of the same money.


    When it comes to financing, consumers today face many problems when making major purchases. Questions arise that often lead to confusion.

    • Pay cash?
    • Lease?
    • Finance?

    What about the terms and the interest rate?


    R. Nelson Nash, Becoming Your Own Banker

    If you were offered a loan for an unlimited amount, but the terms were unknown, would you take that loan? That is the loan most Americans are subject to with their Qualified Retirement Plans (i.e. 401k, IRA, SEP, etc).

    These plans are dictated by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and managed by the financial institutions (traditional banks). They make the rules and they control the assets.

    The account balances in these government qualified plans have a tax liability. This tax debt must be paid within a structured time window or be subject to an additional tax penalty.

    Meanwhile the average family finances their major purchases on credit, while their money is locked up inside these government plans. Thus creating additional problems of stress and lost opportunities.

    Bank Incentives and Wealth Transfers

    Financial institutions and banks are forever creating incentives to coax consumers into financing with them. They offer initial low rates, gifts and convenience. But sadly, many times consumers have no idea what they are really signing up for.

    Financing will be one of the largest transfers of our wealth over our lifetime, so understanding how to pay for the items we purchase should be of prime importance.


    R. Nelson Nash, Becoming Your Own Banker

    Privatized Family Banking is the Solution

    Privatized Family Banking is a valid solution and alternative to traditional financing. Also known as Infinite Banking or IBC, this private method for financing, provides the ability to create generational wealth without bank rules or qualifying.

    What if you discovered that interest rates were not the problem, and that the volume of interest we pay was the real issue we should be concerned with?

    In his bestselling book, Becoming Your Own Banker, Nelson Nash explains why the volume of interest we pay is much more important than the annual percentage rates.

    How To Become a Family Banker:

    • Educate yourself on Privatized Banking
    • Schedule a meeting with an Authorized Infinite Banking Practitioner
    • Use available savings and cash-flow to fund your “family bank”
    • Use only dividend-paying, permanent life insurance
    • Capitalize and establish your plan over time
    • Use the method to finance your major purchases
    • Expand your system through a system of banks to increase wealth
    • Business can use the concept for cash-flow and equipment financing

    To learn even more about banking and how you can utilize it in your life, follow this link and sign up for this free IBC video training.  

    Like our blog? Leave a comment to let us know. Have a question? Ask in the comment section, and we’ll do our best to answer it for you.

    Until next time,
    Barry Page
    Family Banker and IBC Authorized Practitioner

    Barry Page is a Registered Financial Consultant and the Managing General Agent and Founder of  Legacy Insurance Agency, PLLC. His specialty is life insurance and educating others on how Infinite Banking works.

  • Starting Your Own Private Family Bank

    Starting Your Own Private Family Bank

    Starting your own private family bank, one that you own, control and can use personally and for business.

    When you start an Infinite Banking designed plan, you have essentially created a new business that you own and control. The advantage is, all of the heavy lifting has already been done.

    Consider the costs, time and administration of opening and operating a traditional bank. They have to do market research to determine the need, locate property to rent, buy or build, hire and train staff, apply and purchase appropriate charters, and consistently manage the banking operations.

    private family bank
    Private Bank

    How Private Family Banking Works

    With a private family bank the owner controls the business, chooses the terms and has the centuries old administrator manage the affairs. Because the mutual financial system is dedicated to serving you and your family’s interests, it’s essentially your own private family reserve.

    The Infinite Banking Concept is not a bank; it is a thought process that represents a major paradigm shift.

    Nelson Nash

    If you only used the private family business for personal reasons you are creating financial independence. But, if you utilize your “private bank” to enhance your business or start a new one, the profits can be infinite.

    To truly understand how private banking works, you have to do some homework. The best way to do that is to read the classic bestselling book, Becoming Your Own Banker by the late Nelson Nash.

    Infinite Banking Case Study

    In this real-life IBC Case Study, Dr Nillsen shares how he has used Infinite Banking in his medical practice and business.

    Henry Ford said… It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.

    When I meet with families for the first time, rarely do they understand anything about fractional reserve lending or the Federal Reserve. Once you do, it’s hard to imagine that anyone would not want to take control of the banking function in their life.

    Rothschild family bank
    Rothschild family bank dynasty. An illustrative montage of the Rothschild family tree and banking empire.

    The Rothschild family bank is probably the most famous and recognizeable example of family banking.

    Nathan Mayer von Rothschild established a family banking system throughout Europe during the 18th century. The Rothschilds were pioneers in providing capital for business and financing projects.

    Mayer Rothschild wanted to keep the banking fortune within their family and left rules for his descendants on how to handle the family’s finances.

    The Rothschild’s family banking empire originated in Germany and established their wealth and influence all over the world. This family banking system established the Rothschild’s family banking dynasty and their wealth has been preserved for generations.

    Banking is the most important business in the world.

    R. Nelson Nash

    Starting Your Own Private Family Bank

    Starting your own private family bank is much simpler than starting most businesses let alone a traditional bank.

    Private family banking is a predictable way to create financial freedom from the traditional banking system using your own personal capital.

    By financing your major purchases through your own “family bank” you bypass normal bank rules and credit reporting. Controlling the banking mechanism in your life can help grow your family’s wealth while creating perpetual banking system.

    To learn more about private family banking and how to use the Infinite Banking Concept™ to become your own private banker, schedule a financial review with an IBC Practitioner.

    To your family banking success,
    Barry Page

    P.S. Teach your kids about the Federal Reserve with the Tuttle Twins and The Creature from Jekyll Island

    Barry Page

    Barry Page is a Registered Financial Consultant, Managing General Agent and Founder of Legacy Insurance Agency, PLLC. He specializes in helping his clients create private family banks using IBC .

  • Family Banking Blog

    Family Banking Blog

    Educational Insight into Banking and Business

    This family banking blog is intended to be educational and insightful. Our goal is to provide useful information and relevant content to help you increase your knowledge of banking and how it effects your life. Earn your degree in Financial Intelligence while improving your life.

    You can use this specialized knowledge and learn how to create your own Family Bank Business. A private reserve for financing that can provide protection from risks, additional cash-flow, and opportunities for business, and capital financing.

    “Banking is the most important business in the world.”
    ~ R. Nelson Nash, Bestselling Author of Becoming Your Own Banker

    family banking blog
    Recapture debt and create wealth with your private family bank.

    Visit our site often, read our blog and learn how private family banking can benefit you and how you can create your own family bank business. Topics include the Infinite Banking Concept, the Federal Reserve, Family Values, Business and Finance.

    Join our list to quick-start the process and learn how to create your own family bank business.

    The Infinite Banking Concept™ as outlined in the book, Becoming Your Own Banker, reveals the truth behind the most important business in the world – banking. It provides you with foundational, financial wisdom that will help you understand personal finance like never before.

    The Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) can teach you how to become your own banker by:

    • Creating your own private banking system.
    • Using your available savings and cash-flow to build your own “bank.”
    • Capitalizing and establishing your banking plan.
    • Using the method to finance your purchases, vehicles and even real estate.
    • Expanding your system through multiple banks to increase your family's wealth.
    • How a business can use the banking concept for capital financing.

    Request a complimentary meeting with an IBC Professional and Practitioner