Family Bank Business

Family bank
Family banking is a way for families and business to use their own capital for financing.

Family Bank Business

A family bank business is a simple system for protecting your family and creating generational wealth without the government or financial institutions.

This proven system will provide you with significant financial advantages and security, as  your family will take great comfort in your unique ability to finance their cars, college education and weddings. This is the opposite of traditional financial planning, making you a smarter banker with less headaches and worries.

By utilizing the banking function inherent in specific life insurance contracts, one can in essence create a family bank, never having to depend on traditional banks or the government for money or loans again. This system can also provide opportunities for business in the form of cash-flow and capital financing.

To learn more, join our mailing list and download our free report on how to start your own family bank business.

What is a Family Bank?

Family banking is a way for families to use their own capital to create their own private financial system and utilize it for protection, financing and income. To understand family banking it’s imperative to first understand how your money flows. Our money flows through our lives and throughout the world, just as water flows through our bodies and the oceans. The ability to control this flow of money is the key to understanding how to create a family bank.

Who is a Family Bank for?

Family banking is for families that want to protect their assets, create wealth and leave a legacy. Once put in to motion this process can allow you to finance vehicles, fund college, finance real estate and provide capital for business.

Why haven’t I heard of Family Banking?

Family banking has been around for centuries, however few understand the secrets that wealthy families use to create their own private, financial system.

Some of the most powerful and wealthy people of the past century have relied on this strategy to build their family fortunes. And, because these contracts are private, they seldom are revealed.

The elite list includes family names and business leaders like…
Walt Disney, J.C. Penney, Ray Croc, John D. Rockefeller, the Rothschild family, John F. Kennedy, William Taft, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John McCain and Joe Biden.

How do I get started with Family Banking?

It’s time to create your own Family Bank Business, a private financial system to create generational wealth. Arrange an introductory meeting with a coach to help you get started.

Visit our resources page or the IBC Website to learn more.